
Joint Statement on Anti-Asian Violence (2/8/2023)


Why Minor in Asian American Studies? 

"I chose to pursue an Asian American Studies minor at Ohio State initially because I wanted to learn more about Chinese American culture, which is part of my ethnic background."

"What I quickly learned is that Asian American history is way more complex than I initially expected – I find it incredibly interesting that such a diverse body of people exist within one racial category in America."

- Lily Wang

Recent News

Spring courses for Ethnic Studies are now posted on this site and on our program sites for your scheduling convenience. Find them all in one place on this website on the "Courses" page. …

The recipients of the Spring 2023 Center for Ethnic Studies Travel and Research Grants have reported on their research projects. They were asked to give a short account of how they used their…

The Center for Ethnic Studies is pleased to announce that Sampada Aranke, Associate Professor of Art History and Comparative Studies, is the new Associate Director of the Center. …

​Are you looking for courses for Summer 2023? Ethnic Studies has plenty of options in all three of our programs. 

For more information, email ethnicstudies@osu.edi, or go to classes.osu…

People Directory

Associate Director, Center for Ethnic Studies; Associate Professor, Department of History of Art and Comparative Studies
Director, Center for Ethnic Studies; Associate Professor, Department of History of Art
Associate Professor, Departments of History and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Associate Professor, Departments of English and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Affiliated Faculty, Film Studies Program