

Center for Ethnic Studies Spring Courses

CES Spring 2024 Courses Announced

Spring courses for Ethnic Studies are now posted on this site and on our program sites for your scheduling convenience. Find them all in one place on this website on the "Courses" page. …

SP23 CES grants reports

2023 CES Grant Recipients' Project Reports

The recipients of the Spring 2023 Center for Ethnic Studies Travel and Research Grants have reported on their research projects. They were asked to give a short account of how they used their…

A woman wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, she is smiling

Sampada Aranke Named New Associate Director of the Center for Ethnic Studies 

The Center for Ethnic Studies is pleased to announce that Sampada Aranke, Associate Professor of Art History and Comparative Studies, is the new Associate Director of the Center. …

CES logo state of Ohio

2023 Summer Courses

​Are you looking for courses for Summer 2023? Ethnic Studies has plenty of options in all three of our programs. 

For more information, email ethnicstudies@osu.edi, or go to classes.osu…

People at a small protest with signs that say stop Asian hate

Statement Condemning FedEx Indianapolis Shooting (4/15/2021)

The Asian American Studies Program and the South Asian Studies Initiative at Ohio State categorically condemns the mass shooting that occurred at the FedEx facility in Indianapolis on…

In black text with a grey background, the image states "Joint Statement on Anti-Asian Violence"

Joint Statement on Anti-Asian Violence

To our campus community,

As Ohio State campus entities directly related to Asian & Asian American Pacific Islander communities, we write in empathy and solidarity to students, staff, and…

Announcing our Autumn Student Travel and Research Grant Recipients

Announcing our Autumn Student Travel and Research Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of the Autumn Student Travel and Research Grants! We received a record number of applications over this grant cycle, all an impressive array of projects and…

Statement on the police shooting of donovan lewis

Statement on the Police Shooting of Donovan Lewis

The Center of Ethnic Studies at Ohio State, which includes the American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, and Latino/a Studies Programs, sends our sympathies and solidarity to the family of…

CES Student Travel and Research Grants with CES logo and OSU logo

CES Autumn 2022 Student Travel and Research Grants

CES Autumn 2022 Student Travel and Research Grants

The Center for Ethnic Studies is pleased to announce its travel and research grants program for the 2022-2023 academic year!

The CES…