Below are lists of affiliated courses offered in Asian American Studies for previous terms. If you need information beyond what is provided below on courses offered, enrollment information, or instructor information, please contact the University Registrar's office.
Academic Year 2024-2025
History of Art (HISTART)
4820 | The Arts of Japan, #19324, MWF, 9:50AM-11:25 AM, ONLINE, Instructor TBD
3375 | Stereotypes and Prejudice, #18499, ONLINE - ASYNCHRONOUS, Steven Bengal (FIRST 4-WEEK SESSION)
Academic Year 2023-2024
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #19787, ONLINE, Kelly Jo Fulkerson
History of Art (HISTART)
4820 | The Arts of Japan, #22628, 9:50AM-11:25AM MWF, Instructor TBD
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #14876, McPherson 1046, 11:40AM-1:15PM MWF, Vaughn Papenhausen
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #19108, ONLINE, Timothy Bengal
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #19809, ONLINE, Tatsiana Shchurko
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2080 | African American History to 1877, #29657, TR, 4:00PM-5:45PM, ONLINE, Stephanie Shaw
2081 | African American History 1877 to Present, #31108, ONLINE, Michelle Chisebe
2281 | African American Literature, #29789, WF, 9:35AM-10:55AM, U Hall 038, Elizabeth Sheehan
2367.01 | African American Voices: Literature, #31246, WF, 11:10AM-12:30OPM, Cockins 228, Spencer Dew
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, multiple sections
#27672, ONLINE, Michelle Chisebe
#31256, ONLINE, Sierra Austin
3089 | Seminar African American History, multiple sections
#35392, F, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Baker 180, Judson Jeffries
#35392, W, ONLINE, Judson Jeffries
2555H | Intro to Digital Photography and Contemporary Issues, #37130, MWF, 12:05PM-1:55PM, Hopkins Hall 354, Gina Osterloh
2231 | Traditions Chinese Culture, #35081, WF, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Mendenhall 191, Xiao-Bin Jian
2451 | Literature in Translation, #28866, WF, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Arps Hall 012, Meow Hui Goh
4403 | Modern Chinese Literature Translation, #27007, WF, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Journalism 239, Helen Tewksbury
4405 | China Film, #30347, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Derby 080, Jianqi Wang
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication, #19097, TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Journalism 216, Instructor TBD
4445 | Stereotypes Media, #29476, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Baker 180, Felecia Ross
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #19324, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Page 060, Mercedes Chavez
2321 | Introduction to Asian American Studies, #37273, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Jennings 136, Julianna Crame
2360 | Intro Comparative Cultural Studies, #19331, TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Hopkins 250, Philip Armstrong
East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL)
3405 | Martial Arts Films, #35388, TR, 3:55PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall 185, Jianqi Wang
2281 | African American Literature, #29598, WF, 9:35AM-10:55AM, U Hall 038, Elizabeth Sheehan
4583 | Special Topics in World Literature, #35634, WF, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Enarson 304, Pranav Jani
4587 | Asian American Literature and Culture, #35635, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Denney 213, Martin Ponce
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | East Asian Art, multiple sections
#20617, MW, 11:30AM-12:25PM, CBEC 130, Christina Burke-Mathison (lecture)
#29663, R, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Enarson 214, Instructor TBD (recitation)
#29782, R, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Denney 214, Instructor TBD (recitation)
#29783, F, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Smith Lab 1048, Instructor TBD (recitation)
#29784, F, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Cunz Hall 330, Instructor TBD (recitation)
3605 | East West Photography, multiple sections
#35276, TR, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Scott Lab E001, Namiko Kunimoto (lecture)
#35880, F, 10:20AM-11:15AM, Journalism 274, Instructor TBD (recitation)
#36477, F, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Journalism 375, Instructor TBD (recitation)
4001 | History of Art Writing Seminar, #28919, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, details forthcoming
5002 | The Art of Colonial Taiwan, #36393, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Jennings 140, Christina Burke-Mathison
2070 | Intro Native American History, multiple sections
#31030, TR, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Instructor and room TBD
#35487, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Instructor and room TBD
2080 | African American History to 1877, #31345, ONLINE, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Stephanie Shaw
3011 | American Revolution and New Nation, #35242, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Hopkins 246, Margaret Newell
3017 | The Sixties, #35247, MWF, 12:40PM-1:35PM, Cockins 218, David Steigerwald
3070 | Native American History 1560-Removal, #35248, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Margaret Newell
3080 | Slavery in the US, #35128, WF, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Journalism 371, Joan Cashin
3085 | African American Film History, #35454, M, 12:00PM-2:45PM, Page 010, Hasan Jeffries
3426 | History Modern Japan, #28865, ONLINE, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Christopher Reed
2231 | Elements of Culture, #20654, MWF, 1:50PM-2:45PM, Mendenhall 115, Instructor TBD
2451 | Literature in Translation, TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Derby 080, Naomi Fukumori
2231 | Elements Korean Culture, #29439, TR 3:55PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall 191, Pil Kim
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation, #27053, TR 2:20PM-3:40PM, Psychology 010, Instructor TBD
5256 | Korean Social Science, #29442, WF, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Hagerty 62, Pil Kim
5455 | Korean American Literature, #35141, M, 2:15-5:00PM, Enarson 160, Perry Miller
3601 | Language Race Ethnicity, multiple sections
#30876, MW, 11:10AM-12:30PM, ONLINE, Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
#35463, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Arps Hall 388, Rexhina Ndoci
#36500, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, ONLINE, Ariana Steele
2120 | Asian Philosophies, multiple sections
#27757, TR, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Sullivant 220, Steven Brown
#30131, TR, 5:30PM-6:50PM, Journalism 270, Dylan Flint
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of Developing World, #23467, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, details forthcoming
4894 | Topics in Political Theory: Race, Colonialism, and Data, #37474, WF, 3:55-5:15PM, Smith Lab 1048, Harshavardhan Bhat
3375 | Stereotypes and Prejudice, multiple sections
#28954, MWF, 11:30AM-12:25PM, Pomerene 160, Instructor TBD
#35614, MWF, 3:00PM-3:55PM, room TBD, Timothy Bengal
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, multiple sections
#26869, ONLINE, Sierra Austin
#30712, TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Hayes 005, Instructor TBD
2750 | US (Im)migration, #28431, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, U Hall 056, Kayley DeLong
Spring 2024
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2081 | African American History 1877-Present, #28620, TR, 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM, ONLINE, Nicole Jackson (cross-listed with HISTORY 2081)
2288 | R&B Tradition, #29910, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Baker Systems 180, Jason Rawls (cross-listed with MUSIC 2288)
2367.01 | African-American Voices in U.S. Literature, #28873, WF, 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM, Dulles Hall 012, Spencer Dew
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #28547, ONLINE, Nicole Jackson
3089 | Seminar in African-American History, #36759, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, ONLINE (W) / Baker Systems 148 (F), Judson Jeffries
4504 | Black Politics, #34818, WF, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, ONLINE (W) / Baker Systems 128 (F), Judson Jeffries
4921 | Intersections, #36491, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and WGSST 4921)
2231 | Traditional Chinese Culture, #28952, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Mendenhall 191, Zhiguo Xie
2232 | Modern Chinese Culture, #34467, WF, 3:55PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall 115, Nancy Tewksbury
4404 | Chinese Drama, #34493, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Denney 253, Patricia Sieber
4405 | Chinese Film, #30129, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Mendenhall 115, Jianqi Wang
4406 | Contemporary Popular Culture and Media in Greater China, #29051, WF, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Mendenhall 115, Nancy Tewksbury
5400 | Performance Traditions of China, #29688 (grad section) / #29690 (undergrad section), TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Hagerty 251, Mark Bender
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication, #18805, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Stillman 235, Instructor TBD
4445 | Stereotypes in Media, #34800, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Baker Systems 144, Felecia Ross
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #27779, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Mendenhall Lab 185, Kwaku Korang
3686 | Cultural Studies of American Musics, #23157, MW, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Baker Systems 140, Van Truong **for AAS minor credit SP24 ONLY**
4804 | Latino Literature and Culture, #35179, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 202, Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with ENGLISH 4588)
4822 | Native American Identity, #35582, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Smith Lab 1138, Fabian Romero
4921 | Intersections, #23158, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and WGSST 4921)
2281 | African American Literature, #30032, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, University Hall 066, Cynthia Young
4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures, #34737, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 265, Pranav Jani
4583 | Special Topics in World Literature, #29314, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Denney Hall 265, Pranav Jani
4587 | Asian American Literature and Culture, #30214, WF, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Denney Hall 206, Instructor TBD
4588 | Latino/a Literature and Culture, #29968, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 202, Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4588)
Ethnic Studies
5194 | Group Studies: Race, Colonialism and Data, #37200 (UG section), #37199 (Grad section), TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Cunz Hall 180, Harsha Bhat
2080 | African-American History to 1877, #35766, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Dulles Hall 024, Maria Hammack
2081 | African American History 1877-Present, #30551, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, ONLINE, Nicole Jackson (cross-listed with AFAMAST 2081)
2081 | African American History 1877-Present, #35769, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Dulles Hall 016, Ryan Fontanilla (cross-listed with AFAMAST 2081)
3011 | American Revolution and the New Nation, #34586, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Journalism 371, Margaret Newell
3012 | Antebellum America, #34587, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Ramseyer Hall 110, Joan Cashin
3070 | Native American History 1560-Removal, #34589, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Caldwell Lab 122, Margaret Newell
3071 | Native American History Removal-Present, #28941, TR, 12:45 PM, 2:05 PM, University Hall 038, Daniel Rivers
3083 | Civil Rights and Black Power Movements, #34590, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Stillman Hall 235, Hasan Jeffries
3405 | Contemporary China, #34606, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Denney Hall 250, Julia Keblinska
3411 | Gender and Sexuality in China, #28285, W, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM (HYBRID), Bolz Hall 314, Ying Zhang
3580 | Vietnam War, #29761, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Knowlton Hall 195, Raymond Parrott
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | East Asian Art, #20193, MW, 11:30 AM-12:25 PM, Hopkins Hall 250, Christina Burke-Mathison (lecture)
#20194, R, 11:30 AM-12:25 PM, Denney Hall 238, Instructor TBD (recitation)
#26076, F, 11:30 AM-12:25 PM, Jennings Hall 140, Instructor TBD (recitation)
2003H | Honors East Asian Art, #29903, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Smith Lab 1048, Christina Burke-Mathison
4810 | The Arts of China, #35092, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Mendenhall Lab 121, Christina Burke-Mathison
2231 | Elements of Japanese Culture, #20244, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Mineharu Nakayama
2451 | Japanese Literature in Translation, #20245, WF, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Hagerty Hall 046, Artem Vorobiev
2452 | Modern Japanese Literature in Translation, #34528, MWF, 1:50 PM-2:45 PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Artem Vorobiev
4400 | Japanese Film and Visual Media, #34529, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Journalism 270, Artem Vorobiev
2231 | Elements of Korean Culture, #26573, WF, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Instructor TBD
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation, #20307, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Ramseyer Hall 009, Hayana Kim
5405 | Korean Dramatic Tradition, #34735 (grad section) / #34736 (undergrad section), TF, 10:20 AM-11:40 AM, Hagerty Hall 388, Pil Ho Kim
5455 | Korean Art, #31078 (grad section) / #31079 (undergrad section), M, 2:15 PM-5:00 PM, Hagerty Hall 071, Pil Ho Kim
5455 | Korean Art, #36496 (grad section) / #36497 (undergrad section), M, 2:15 PM-5:00 PM, ONLINE, Pil Ho Kim
3601 | Language Race Ethnicity, #30352, MW, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Mendenhall Lab 125, Clinton Awai Jennings
2288 | R&B Tradition, #36434, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Baker Systems 180, Jason Rawls (cross-listed with AFAMAST 2288)
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #23880, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Hagerty Hall 180, Steven Brown
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #29052, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Bolz Hall 118, Dylan Flint
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of Developing World, #23467, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, details forthcoming
4894 | Topics in Political Theory: Race, Colonialism, and Data, #37474, WF, 3:55-5:15PM, Smith Lab 1048, Harshavardhan Bhat
3375 | Stereotypes and Prejudice, #29073, MWF, 11:30 AM-12:25 PM, Psychology 006, Steven Bengal
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, #36794, ONLINE, Sierra Austin
4401 | Asian American Women, #36789, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Hopkins Hall 246, Anne Van
4921 | Intersections, #28597, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)
Academic Year 2022-2023
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #23225, 1S, ONLINE, Kelly Fulkerson-Dikuua
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #14863, 8W2, M/W/F 3:20-4:55pm, McPherson 2017, Pranav Ambadekar
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of the Developing World, #22805, 6W1, T/R 9:00-12:10pm, Page 020, Instructor TBD
Psychology (PSYCH)
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #19247, 4WS, M/W/F 11:25-02:35pm, ONLINE, Steven Bengal
Sociology (SOCIOL)
3463 | Social Stratification: Race, Class, and Gender, #12087, 8W2, Instructor TBD
Women's, Gender, Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #18491, 6W1, ONLINE, Instructor TBD
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2080 | African American History to 1877
#27719, ONLINE, Instructor TBD
2281 | Introduction to African-American Literature
#27973, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Journalism 239, Koritha Mitchell
#35436, M/W 5:30-6:50pm, Denney 214, Adeleke Adeeko (Cross-listed with English 2281 as #27264)
2288 | R&B and Hiphop
#26896, T/R 3:55-5:15pm, Baker Sys 198, Jason Rawls
2367.01 | African American Voices in U.S. Literature
#35434, T/R, 9:35-10:55am, Hagerty 251, Franco Barchiesi
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context
#25322, ONLINE, Dawn Chisebe
3083 | Civil Rights and Black Power Movements
#24663, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Denney 250, Judson Jeffries
4582 | Special Topics African American Literature
#36007, M/W 2:20-3:40pm, Enarson Classroom 226, Adeleke Adeeko (Cross-listed with English 4582)
2231 | Traditional Chinese Culture
#26831, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Pomerene 250, John Harvey Rouzer
2451 | Literature In Translation
#26638, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Hopkins 2, Meow Hui Goh
4403 | Modern Chinese Literature
#24588, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Campbell 209, Nancy Helen Tewksbury
4404 | Chinese Drama
#34714, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 129, Patricia A Sieber
4405 | China in Chinese Film
#34715, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, U Hall 038, Jianqi Wang
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication
#16214, T/R 12:45-2:05pm, Baker Sys 144, Instructor TBD
4445 | Stereotypes in Media
#27437, T 3:00-4:50pm, Stillman 235, Osei Appiah
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity
#16443, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Denney 214, Mercedes Chavez
2322 | Introduction to Latino Studies
#22061 W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 175, Ignacio Corona (Cross-listed with Spanish 2242)
2322 | Introduction to Latino Studies
#22061, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Ramseyer 009, Miranda Martinez
2360 | Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies
#16451, T/R 12:45-2:05pm, Franco Barchiesi
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class
#16519 T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and WGSST 4921)
2281 | Introduction to African-American Literature
#27629, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Journalism 239, Koritha Mitchell (Cross-listed with AFAMAST 2281)
4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
#26260 T/R, 11:10-12:30pm, Denney 213, Martin Ponce
4582 | Special Topics African American Literature
#35568 M/W 2:20-3:40pm, Enarson Classroom 226, Adeleke Adeeko (Cross-listed with English 4582)
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | The Art and Visual Culture of East Asia
#35091 M/W 5:30-6:55pm, Pomerene 260, Instructor TBD
#17722 M/W 11:30-12:25pm, CBEC 130, Christina Wei-Szu Burke Mathison
#17722 M/W 11:30-12:25pm, CBEC 130, Instructor TBD
#27740 R 11:30-12:25pm, Hagerty 351, Instructor TBD
#27964 M/W 11:30-12:25pm, Enarson Classroom 018, Instructor TBD
#27965 M/W 11:30-12:25pm Scott Lab E103, Instructor TBD
#27966 M/W 11:30-12:25pm, Jennings 136, Instructor TBD
4001 | Writing History of Art
#26702, T/R 3:55-5:15pm, U Hall 074, Instructor TBD
5815 | Painting of China's Golden Age: The Tang and Song Periods
#34910 W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Jennings 140, Julia Frances Andrews (Undergraduate Section)
#34911 W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Jennings 140, Julia Frances Andrews (Graduate Section)
2401 | History of East Asian in the Pre-Modern Era
#26628, ONLINE, Ying Zhang
3012 | Antebellum America
#34707, T/R 9:35-10:55am, U Hall 082, Joan Ellen Cashin
3011 | The American Revolution and the New Nation
#33267, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Arps Hall 388, Margaret Newell
3017 | The Sixties
#26633, M/W/F 11:30-12:25pm, Journalism 371, David H Steigerwald
3070 | Native American 1560 Removal
#26917, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Denney 250, Instructor TBD
3083 | Civil Rights and Black Power Movement
#24587, T/R 12:45-2:05pm. Jennings 355, Hasan Kwame Jeffries
3089 | Seminar in African American History
#34708, T/R, 11:10-12:30pm. Evans Lab 2004, Hasan Kwame Jeffries
3403 | History of Early Modern China
#34828, R 12:45-2:05pm, Journalism 239, Ying Zhang
3426 | History of Modern Japan
#26637, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Cockins 218, Christopher Alexander Reed
3580 | Vietnam War
#27253, ONLINE, Maysan Haydar
2231 | Elements of Japanese Culture
#17813, T/R 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 191, Mineharu Nakayama
2451 | Japanese Literature in Translation
#27446, T/R 2:20-3;40pm, Derby 080, Shelley Fenno Quinn
2452 | Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
#34702, M/W/F 1:50-2:45pm, Mendenhall 185, Richard Edgar Torrance
4400 | Japanese Film and Visual Media
#34705, T/R 3:55-5:15pm, Mendenhall 185, Richard Edgar Torrance
5400 | Performance Traditions of Japan
#27442, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 209, Shelley Fenno Quinn (Graduate Section)
#27443, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 209, Shelley Fenno Quinn (Undergraduate Section)
5454 | Japanese Literature: Classical Period
#27444, T/R 3:44-5:15pm, Derby 049, Naomi Fukumori (Graduate Section)
#27445, T/R 3:44-5:15pm, Derby 049, Naomi Fukumori (Undergraduate Section)
2231 | Elements of Korean Culture
#27393, T/R 3:40-5:15pm, Townshend 247, Perry Dalnim Miller
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation
#24638, W/F 3:55-5:15pm, Derby 238, Perry Dalnim Miller
5256 | Interdisciplinary Topics in Korean Politics and Society
#27394, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Derby 049, Pil Ho Kim (Graduate Section)
#27396, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Derby 049, Pil Ho Kim (Undergraduate Section)
3601 | Language, Race, and Ethnicity
#35837, M/W 3:55-5:15pm, Campbell 251, Instructor TBD
2120 | Asian Philosophies
#25414, M/W/F 10:20-11:15am, Hagerty 180, Steven G Brown and Vaughn Papenhausen
#28538 T/R 5:30-6:50pm, Journalism 371, Instructor TBD
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of the Developing World
#20887, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Page 020, Instructor TBD
#28410, M/W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Derby 080, Vinicius Se Melo Justo
#35462 T/R 9:35-10:55am, Location TBD, Emma M Saunders-Hastings
Psychology (PSYCH)
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice
#26755, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Jennings 155, Steven J Spencer
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2340 | Latina Experience
#35420, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Baker Sys 148, Guisela Latorre
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context
#24439, T/R 5:30-6:50pm, Enarson Classroom 230, Instructor TBD
#35425, T/R 12:45-2:05pm, Enarson Classroom 206, Instructor TBD
#35426, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, PAES A103, Instructor TBD
#35427, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Enarson Classroom 015, Instructor TBD
4520 | Social Activism
#35430, T/R 3:55-5:15pm, Denney 206, Instructor TBD
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class
#26147, T/R, 12:45-2:05pm, Baker Sys 148, Instructor TBD (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and COMPSTD 4921)
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2081 | African American History 1877-Present, #29150, ONLINE, Dawn Chisebe
2367.01 | African American Voices: Literature, #29463, Baker 184, W/F 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Spencer Dew
2367.04 | Black Women Writers, ONLINE, Sierra Janay Austin
2555H | Honors Intro to Digital Photography, #35614, Hopkins Hall 354, M/W/F 2:05PM-3:55PM, Gina Osterloh
2231 | Traditional Chinese Culture, #29576, Mendenhall 115, W/F 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Nancy Helen Tewksbury
4405 | China Film, #34967, Townshend 247, T/R 2:20 PM-3:40PM, Jianqi Wang
4406 | China Pop: Contemporary Popular Culture and Media in Greater China, #29733, Mendenhall 115, W/F 2:20 PM-3:40PM, Nancy Helen Tewksbury
5400 | Performance Traditions of China, #33590, Enarson Classroom 218, T/R 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Mark Bender
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication, #18392, Stillman 235, T/R 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Kyle Brathwaite
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #28029, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 185, Kwaku Korang
East Asian Languages and Literature (EALL)
3405 | Martial Arts Films, #33533, Hagerty 50, T/R 3:55 PM – 5:15 PM, Jianqi Wang
2281 | African American Literature, #34476, Hagerty 50, T/R 12:14 PM – 2:05 PM, Elizabeth Sheehan
4583 | Special Topics in World Literature, #30197, Denney 245, T/R 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM, Pranav Jani
4587 | Asian American Literature and Culture, #35134, Denney 262, W/F 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Jian Neo Chen
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | East Asian Art
#19886, Sullivant 220, M/W 10:20AM-11:15AM, Christina Wei-Szu Burke Mathison
#19887, Location TBD, R 10:20AM-11:15AM, Instructor TBD
#26202, Hitchcock 030, F 10:20AM-11:15AM, Instructor TBD
#34334, Location TBD, R 10:20AM-11:15AM, Instructor TBD
#34335, Evans Lab 2001, F 10:20AM-11:15AM, Instructor TBD
#35009, Pomerene 280, T/R 5:30PM-6:50PM, Instructor TBD
#34191, Journalism 139, T/R 11:10AM-12:30PM, Instructor TBD
4815 | Chinese Art, #34074, Room TBD, T/R 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM, Julia Andrews
5815 | Chinese Painting of Tang and Song Periods, #34338, Jennings 140, M/W 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Julia Andrews
3404 | History of Modern China, #29591, ONLINE, T/R 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Christopher Reed
3411 | Gender and Sexuality in China, #28626, Room TBD, W 9:35 AM – 10:55 AM, Ying Zhang
3580 | The Vietnam War, #33785, ONLINE, 9:35 AM – 10:55 AM, Ryan Nelson
2231 | Elements of Japanese Culture, #19937, ONLINE, M/W/F 1:50 PM – 2:45 PM, Richard Edgar Torrance
2451 | Japanese Literature in Translation, #19938, Medenhall 115, T/R 12:45 PM – 2:05 PM, Naomi Fukumori
5455 | Japanese Literature: Medieval and Edo Periods, #29456, ONLINE, W/F 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Artem Vorobiev
2231 | Elements of Korean Culture, #26714, Mendenhall 115, T/R 2:20PM-3:40PM, Perry Dalnim Miller
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation, #20002, Derby 080, W/F 3:55PM-5:15PM, Perry Dalnim Miller
5400 | Performance Traditions of Korea, #29466, Hagerty 42, M 2:15PM-5:00PM, Chan Eung Park
3601 | Language, Race and Ethnicity, #35407, ONLINE, M/W 2:20PM-3:40PM, Clinton Kakela Awai Jennings
Philosophy (PHILOS)
2120 | Asian Philosophies
#29735, McPherson 2017, W/F 12:45PM-2:05PM, Vaughn Papenhausen
#23733, Hagerty 180, T/R 11:10AM-12:30PM, Steven Brown
Political Science (POLISCI)
2120 | Politics of Health, #35687, Fontana 2020, W/F 12:45PM-2:05PM, Vladimir Kogan
3220 | Politics of the Developing World, #22889, Page Hall 20, W/F 2:20 PM – 3:40 PM, Jan Henryk Pierskalla
Psychology (PSYCH)
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #29778, Psychology 006, MWF 11:30 AM-12:25PM, Steven Timothy Bengal
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers (cross-listed with AFAMAST)
#20424, Enarson Classroom 202, T/R 12:45PM-2:05PM, Tatsiana Shchurko
#29088, Hayes Hall 025, T/R 9:35AM-10:55AM, Tatsiana Shchurko
#30310, ONLINE, Sierra Janay Austin
4921 | Intersections, #29123, Bolz Hall 116, T/R 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Mercedes Chavez
Academic Year 2021-2022
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2367.01 | African American Voices in U.S. Literature, #18458, M/W/F 11:25am-2:35pm, Enarson 15, Ioanna Kipourou
2401 | History of Asia in the Pre-Modern Era, #18927, ONLINE, Yi Shan
3580 | The Vietnam War, #18891, ONLINE, Sarah Douglas
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #14437, M/W/F 111:40am-1:15pm, Scott Lab E004, Instructor TBD
3375 | Stereotypes and Prejudice, #22128, M/W/F 11:25-2:35, ONLINE, Steven Bengal
3463 | Social Stratification, #11600, M/W/F 1:30-3:05, ONLINE, Instructor TBS
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGGST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #19011, ONLINE, Mahaliah Ayana Little
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2080 | African American History to 1877, #34590, T/Th 11:10am-12:30pm, Arps 12, Dawn Chisebe
2288 | Bebop to Doowop to Hiphop: The Rhythm and Blues Tradition, #23944, T/Th 3:55-5:15pm, Mendenhall 191, Jason Rawls
2367.04 | 2367.04 Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #21884, M/W 11:10am-12:30pm, Campbell 335, Kelly Fulkerson-Dikuua
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #12518, W/F, 12:45pm-2:05pm, Hale Hall 101, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with COMPSTDS and WGSST 4921)
2231 | 2231, Traditional Chinese Culture, #23803, T/Th 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 115, Zhiguo Xie
2451 | Literature In Translation, #23466, W/F 11:10-12:30 PM, Pomerene 250, Meow Goh
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication, #12177, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Journalism Building 360
4445 | Stereotypes in Media, #3379, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Hopkins 250, Felecia Gilmore Ross
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #12411, T/Th 11:10am-12:30pm, Mendenhall 125, Felecia Gilmore Ross
2322 | Introduction to Latino Studies, ##18351, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 129, Miranda Martinez
2360 | Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies #12420, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, Denny 214, Franco Barchiesi
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #12518, W/F, 12:45pm-2:05pm, Hale Hall 101, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and WGSST 4921)
2281 | Introduction to African-American Literature, #24140, T/Th 5:30-6:50pm, Denney 250, Adeleke Adeeko; #34326, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 250, Ryan Friedman
4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures, #23004 T/Th, 2:20-3:40pm, Scott Lab E105, Jian Neo Chen
4587 | Studies in Asian American Literature and Culture W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Denney Hall 213, Martin Ponce
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | The Art and Visual Culture of East Asia, multiple times and instructors listed
4001 | Writing Seminar In The History Of Art, #23580, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Derby 60, Lisa Carrol Florman
4820 | The Arts of Japan, #34108, W/F 3:55-5:15pm, Campbell 335, Namiko Kunimoto
5002 | Blood, Flesh, Spirit: The Body in Mesoamerican Art, #34162, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Campbell 209, Byron Hamann
5816 | Images of the Mind: Chinese Painting of the Yuan and Ming Periods (1279-1644), #34104, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Hayes Hall 24, Julia Andrews
2401 | History of East Asian in the Pre-Modern Era, #23438, ONLINE, Ying Zhang
3013 | Civil War Reconstruction, #33929, ONLINE, Joan Ellen Cashin
3017 | The Sixties, #23450, MWF 10:20-11:15AM, Baker Systems 180, David Steigerwald
3070 | Native American History, #23978, T/Th 11:10am-12:30pm, Pomerene 250, Margaret Newell
3426 | History of Modern Japan, #23460, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Journalism Building 371, Christopher Reed
3580 | Vietnam War, #24508, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Ramseyer 100, Raymond Parrot
2231 | Elements of Japanese Culture, #13900, MWF 1:50-2:45pm, Mendenhall 191, Richard Torrance
2451 | Japanese Literature in Translation, #33801, TR 2:20-3:40 PM, Mendenhall 185, Shelley Quinn
5400 | Performance Traditions of Japan, #33797, WF 2:20-3:40pm, Enarson Classroom 312, Shelley Quinn
5454 | Japanese Literature: Classical Period, #33799, T/Th 3:55-5:15pm, Haggerty 259, Naomi Fukumori
2231 | Elements of Korean Culture, #33732, T/Th 3:55-5:15pm, Mendenhall 185, Richard Torrence
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation, #21082, W/F 3:55-5:15pm, Mendenhall 125, Shelley Quinn
5256 | Interdisciplinary Topics in Korean Politics and Society, #33733, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Hagerty 186, Pil Ho Kim
3601 | Language, Race, and Ethnicity, #23940, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, ONLINE, Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #21982, M/W/F 11:30-12:25pm, ONLINE, Steven Brown
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of the Developing World, #17074, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Cunz Hall 150, Erin Lin
Psychology (PSYCH)
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #23663, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, ONLINE, Steven Bengal
Sociology (SOCIOL)
3463 | Social Stratification: Race, Class, and Gender, multiple times and instructors listed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #20859, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, University Hall 86, Deja Jontelle Beamon
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #20859, W/F, 12:45pm-2:05pm, Hale Hall 101, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and COMPSTD 4921)
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
2081 | African American History to 1877, #24054, ONLINE, Dawn Chisebe
2281 | Introduction to African-American Literature, #24119, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 214 (Cross-listed with English 2281)
2367.01 | African American Voices in U.S. Literature, #33119, M/W/ 12:45-1:45pm, Denney 214
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #33119, M/W 12:45pm-1:45pm; #23908, ONLINE, Sierra Austin; #24112
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #22551, W/F, 9:35-10:55am, Baker 140, Mercedes Chavez (Cross-listed with COMPSTDS and WGSST 4921)
2231 | Traditional Chinese Culture, #33309, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 115, Nancy Tewksbury
4404 | China in Chinese Pop, 33717, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Mendenhall 115, Nancy Tewksbury
Communications (COMM)
3668 | Intercultural Communication, #11855, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Orton 110, Louise Potocki
4445 | Stereotypes in Media, #16543, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Journalism 360, Felecia Osei Appiah
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #22339, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, Hayes Hall 5, Kwaku Korang
2321 | Introduction to Asian American Studies, #28436, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, Mendenhall 185, Martin Ponce
2340 | Introduction to Cultures of Science and Technology, #16912, ONLINE, Jess Holler
4803 | Studies in Asian American Literature and Culture #23955
4822 | Native American Identity #34564, T/Th, 11:10-12:30pm, Jennings 136, Gregory Gonzales
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #16921, W/F, 9:35-10:55am, Baker 140, Mercedes Chavez (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and WGSST 4921)
East Asian Languages and Literature (EALL)
3223 | Buddihist Tradition #22177, T/Th, 12:45-2:05pm, Hopkins 246, Patricia Sieber (Cross-listed with RELSTDS)
2281 | Introduction to African-American Literature, #23718, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 214, Arielle Irizarry (Cross-listed with AFAMAST 2281)
2367.01 | Language, Identity, and Culture in the U.S Experience; #13414 M/W/F, 9:10-10:05am, Denney 268, Andrew Bashford; #20175 ONLINE, Addison Koneval; #36004 ONLINE Yanar Hashlamon; #13415 M/W/F, 4:10-5:05pm, Denney 213; #20174 M/W/F, 12:40-1:35pm, Denney 245
4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures, #34376 W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Denney 202, Pranav Jani
4583 | Special Topics in World Literature in English, #354257, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Denney 213, Elizabeth Hewitt
History of Art (HISTART)
2003 | The Art and Visual Culture of East Asia, multiple times and instructors listed
4810 | The Art of China; #33339, M/W 220-3:40pm, Page 60, Gabrielle Stephens; #33339, M/W 220-3:40pm, Page 60, Christina Mathison
5816 | Images of the Mind: Chinese Painting of the Yuan and Ming Periods (1279-1644), #23470 and #23471
2075 | Introduction to U.S Latino/a History, #35283, ONLINE, Maysan Haydar
2080 | African American History to 1877, #23722, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, ONLINE, Stephanie Shaw
3011 | The American Revolution and the New Nation, #33267, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Arps Hall 388, Margaret Newell
3071 | Native American History from Removal to the Present, #33270, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Ramseyer 115, Daniel Rivers
3080 | Slavery in the United States, #23072 ONLINE, Joan Cashin
3403 | History of Early Modern China: 14th-18th century #23084 W 12:45-2:05pm, Derby 29, Ying Zhang
3404 | Modern China 1750-1949, #33343, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, ONLINE, Christopher Reed
3411 | Gender and Sexuality in China, #33343 W 9:35am-10:55am, Mendenhall 175, Ying Zhang
2231 | Elements of Japanese Culture, #13695, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Mendenhall 115, Mineharu Nakayama; #23698, M 2:15-5:00pm, Hagerty 56, Mineharu Nakayama
2451 | Japanese Literature in Translation, #13696, T/Th 12:45-2:05 PM, Mendenhall 191, Naomi Fukumori
2452 | Modern Japanese Literature in Translation, #33089, M/W/F 1:50-2:45pm, Mendenhall 191, Richard Torrance
4400 | Japanese Film and Visual Media, #33090, T/Th 3:55-5:15pm, Mendenhall 185, Richard Torrance
5455 | Japanese Literature: Medieval and Edo Periods, #33105, T/Th 3:66-5:15pm, Enarson 202, Shelley Fenno Quinn; #33106, T/Th 3:66-5:15pm, Enarson 202, Shelley Fenno Quinn
2231 | Elements of Korean Culture, #20851, T/Th 2:20-3:40pm, Jennings 40, Perry Miller
2451 | Korean Literature in Translation, #13761, W/F 3:55-5:15pm, Derby 80, Perry Miller
5256 | Interdisciplinary Topics in Korean Politics and Society, #22179, T/Th 4:55-6:10pm, Enarson 245, Mitchell Lerner; #22180, T/Th 4:55-6:10pm, Enarson 245, Mitchell Lerner
5400 | Performance Traditions of Korea, #33123, M 2:15-5:00pm, Hagerty 45, Hillary Finchum-Sung; #33124, M 2:15-5:00pm, Hagerty 45, Hillary Finchum-Sung
2367.01 | Language, Sex, and Gender in the U.S., #23204, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, Cunz Hall 180, Angelica Aviles Bosques
3602 | Language and Social Identity in the U.S., #23206, M/W 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 131, Katherine Conner
2120 | Asian Philosophies, #33724, M/F 12:45-2:05pm, Ramseyer 115, William Marsolek; #17685, T/Th 11:10-12:30pm, Hagerty 180, Steven Brown
Political Science (POLITSC)
3220 | Politics of the Developing World, #16816, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Page 10, Erin Lin; #34502, M/W/F 12:45-2:05pm, McPherson 1040
Psychology (PSYCH)
3375 | Stereotyping and Prejudice, #33923, M/W/F 11:30-12:25pm, Psychology 6, Steven Bengal
Religious Studies
3673 | Buddhist Tradition #33298, T/Th, 12:45-2:05pm, Hopkins 246, Patricia Sieber (Cross-listed with EALL)
Sociology (SOCIOL)
3463 | Social Stratification: Race, Class, and Gender, multiple times and instructors listed
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2367.04 | Black Women Writers: Text and Context, #14200, T/Th 9:35-10:55am, Enarson 340, Tatsiana Shcurko; #23974, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Enarson 246, Deja Beamon; #35954, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Mendenhall 185, Tatsiana Shchurko
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #24021, M/W, 9:35-10:55, Baker 140, Mercedes Chavez (Cross-listed with AFAMAST and COMPSTD 4921)