Welcome Message - Autumn 2013

September 16, 2013

Welcome Message - Autumn 2013

Asian American Studies

"The Asian American Studies Program (AASP) has exciting plans for the 2013-2014 academic year.

We are starting an oral history project for the Asian American community in Central Ohio. We will be working with the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives to create an oral history/video archive of Asian Americans in Columbus and beyond. Prof. Lynn Itagaki's Introduction to Asian American Studies course this fall will be pioneering this project. For our first phase, we plan to interview student and community leaders. If you would like to nominate interviewee subjects or would like to become an interviewer, please contact me.

As part of our year-long series of Asian American Studies related programming (please see the events calendar), the AASP will be sponsoring a junior faculty workshop to assist our untenured faculty with revising and publishing their scholarship. This year, working in conjunction with the Institute of Korean Studies, we are inviting Prof. Daniel Kim from Brown University to give a talk about his research and to workshop the book manuscript of Prof. Lynn Itagaki. We plan to continue this manuscript workshop series in the following years, including a visit by Prof. Wendy Chun, also from Brown University, to give a talk and also workshop Prof. Jian Chen's book manuscript.

The AASP also would like to take the opportunity to welcome new colleagues in the Departments of History of Art and Sociology as well as the College of Education. (Please see their bios in the People section). If your student organization or academic unit is interested in guest speakers, please let us know. Our faculty have expertise in a range of topics, including race and sexuality, political activism, refugee resettlement and education, comparative radicalization, internment and art, Asian American student organizations in higher education, digital media, etc.

And, as a reminder, the AASP offers undergraduates the opportunity to minor in Asian American Studies. It only takes four classes, and our courses fulfill GE requirements as well. For more information, please get in touch with me. I am also happy to come to classes or student organizations to talk about the minor. We currently have eleven student minors. Let's try to double that by the end of the year!

Please join us for the DISCO (The Diversity and Identity Studies Collective at OSU) Meet and Greet on Friday, Sept. 27, from 3-5 p.m. in 165 Thompson Library."

- Judy Tzu-Chun Wu

Coordinator for the Asian American Studies Program, a unit within DISCO
Coordinator for mini-DISCO (American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, Disability Studies, and Sexuality Studies)
Coordinator for the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History Workshop Series
Co-editor of Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies
Professor of History and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies